~***~ September 1752 ~***~

Recently one of my forwarded this mail to me which i found pretty interesting and something which all of us should know. hence posting it in my blog ;)
I am talking about Time history. In the year 1752, September has something special.
If you type cal 9 1752 on any Unix command line to get a calendar of this particular month you’ll get this output:

Explanation for what you see:
Isn't the output queer? A month with whole of eleven days missing. This was the time England shifted from Roman Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, and the king of England ordered those 11 days to be wiped off the face of the month of September of 1752. (What couldn't a King do in those days?!) And yes, the workers worked for 11 days less, but got paid for the entire 30 days. And that's how "Paid Leave" was born.

Interesting isn't it ??


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