Thanks Giving & Black Friday -- For Sale
Back in 2008, When I was in UK, I have seen the madness & craziness to buy items on a Black Friday. People were standing in the queue early in the morning before the shop opens & purchase as many as possible. I didnt know the significance of these days & I was in assumption that these days are releated to christmas event. Fast forward to 2022, I see the Black Friday trend in India too. Media, websites, apps promoting the sale & newspaper is flooded with offers. Today morning while reading newspaper, I had to search for the news in between such Ads & promotion. Our Indian mentality is tend to believe in anything that is shown to us multiple times without questioning. I am not making a generic statement here but majority of the popoulation comes under that. Just because it is sale, without even knowing the significance or history behind the celebrations, we are yielded to make purchases. Are we promoting Akshaya Thrithiya gold purchase in Western countries...