
Thanks Giving & Black Friday -- For Sale

Back in 2008, When I was in UK, I have seen the madness & craziness to buy items on a Black Friday. People were standing in the queue early in the morning before the shop opens & purchase as many as possible. I didnt know the significance of these days & I was in assumption that these days are releated to christmas event. Fast forward to 2022, I see the Black Friday trend in India too. Media, websites, apps promoting the sale & newspaper is flooded with offers. Today morning while reading newspaper, I had to search for the news in between such Ads & promotion. Our Indian mentality is tend to believe in anything that is shown to us multiple times without questioning. I am not making a generic statement here but majority of the popoulation comes under that. Just because it is sale, without even knowing the significance or history behind the celebrations, we are yielded to make purchases. Are we promoting Akshaya Thrithiya gold purchase in Western countries...

Facebook Mania

These days I see people using facebook platform as Notice Board. From the time they wakeup until they hit bed in the night they want to mention everyting in Facebook and share it with people. I agree its a public platform and people caon use it however they wish to. What I felt recently is that it unnecessarily creates peer pressure among others. If am not posting any posts then I feel I am out of the race!! by the by, This is not a healthy race. Some people posts about their achievements, some about their travels and few posts pictures of their al.. Who ever gets more Likes & comments then that person is most happening and famous in the group. I have friends who deleted their account as they could not cope up with this aversion. I have friends who asks me to like their posts & pics explicitly I have friends who thinks fb is the window to convey messages which they don't want to reveal directly. I actually became victim of checking my friends & families po...

Hit and Wait(Run) Case !!

You might be wondering by seeing the title of this post... Yes,my Car was hit yesterday morning  and I am still wondering whose fault was it ?? To pick my son from the school, I took my car and drove towards his school. Its a uphill while joining to main road from our layout. Its busy road always and I had to take right turn. I was in first gear and waited there for 2 mins so that my adjacent lane is free.. I slowly came half of the road and then joined the right lane.. Dough the sound came from my left side and a big vehicle passed in front of me. I was shocked and trembling. That was my first so called "accident" till now. It was SUV and there was a scratch on the upper part of the rear wheel. I Just didn't know what happened and how it happened. The guy from that car, came out and said What the F*** ? I was still in the shock mode, He came near my window and started shouting at me you hit my car. me: I was taking turn and I have put the indicator also. Didn...

US Govt. orders women to wear 'idiot' sign board

Today, I read a news in cnn-ibnlive website that US government has asked a women to wear a signboard saying 'Only a idiot drives on side walk to avoid school bus' for breaking traffic rules. She was caught on camera driving on a sidewalk to avoid a Cleveland school bus that was unloading children. At first when i read the news, i felt if our govt. starts taking action for such incidents then, I don't know how many people will be wearing such signboard and standing at the Interaction.... Traffic Rules are very hardly followed in India. As soon as they sit in the driver's seat, their goal is to reach destination either by going on the road or foot path or over taking from the opposite way or honking as soon as signal goes green even if he is at the end of that traffic signal... Just two days back, while driving I was struck in an intersection such that from all the four ways people were blocking and no where any one can go and everyone is blocking each other... on t...

Effects of Sandy Hurricane in namma bengaluru....

Wow.... what a morning. Its Wednesday, mid of the week. Since morning its windy, drizzling and chill outside. I waited for the rain to stop so that i can ride to office without getting drenched....  It stopped for sometime but the traffic in Bangalore which everybody know how it will be during rainy days made me drag on the road for nearly one and a half an hour. I usually take 30 mins to reach office and it today it was 1 hour 15 mins.... that extra 45 mins made me drench in the rain. So while coming to office, I felt this rainfall might be due the effects of Sandy Hurricane which is hitting badly in eastern part of North America. The havoc that has been created by this super storm is unimaginable. No power, flooding all major cities of US of America,  Subways and Railroads have been halted.... How India will react for such major disaster if it occurs ( touch hood.... lets not wish for it). Just for a small drizzle, the traffic goes bad, drainage system will get bloc...

Namma maneya putta kaithota...

Yes.... I have started one of my favorite hobby Gardening from this month... I always had the dream of having a garden of my own and growing plants and spending my leisure time in there. After so many discussions along with my family members, I got few yards in our parking area to start my Gardening. I had asked the contractor to leave that without filling any mud. I might be having  around 10 x 3 area left for gardening.. and the depth around 2 feet. I asked few of the nearby nursery to start with as the amount of mud to be filled was more, I dont wanted to take any chances. The red soil costed around Rs.50 per each cement bag and the organic fertilizer Rs.120. We needed around 80 cement bags  to fill that area. It was almost equivalent to one tractor load....:-) The initial investment is bit high. But according to that Gardener (He was J.P Nagar 2nd Phase), we dont have worry about the soil and the fertilizer for the next 5 years it seems. So for me it costed around R...

Service to Society

Everyday while coming to office or while traveling from one place to another in bangalore city, I see things which I really feel to change or stop in what ever way i can.... But I am not able to in many things... You might be wondering what am i talking about ?? Its about basic civic sense... People just dont bother about others. They are ok if things are fine with them :( Today while coming to office i saw Pile of Garbages covering half of the road and this is the case in most of the bangalore localities these days as there is a big issue about garbage dumping area. It rained heavily last night. Vehicles were passing by on top of these garbages and it looked yuck for me to pass that stretch.... Nobody is bothered. The concerned persons are sitting in A/C room discussing what can be done for this issue.... It has not yet resolved and it is almost a week now. People just throw their household garbage on top of this pile and forget about it. If you any time get a chance to trav...